model boat building planking
Ship model - armed virginia sloop, 1768 - model shipways, preparing for planking - part 2 - duration: 10:22. modelshipbuilder73 506,411 views. Building, framing, planking and plating a ships hull and deck: ask those questions, and seek those answers regarding the construction of a ships hull , framing. Plank-on-frame construction is the most difficult process and a nightmare to many model ship builders..

Part 3 of collection: in this video i show a little of the transom build out as well as the planking on the ship , some of the railing is done at this. Page 1 of 2 - planking tutorials - posted in building, framing, planking and plating a ships hull and deck: if youre having questions about planking, a good place to. Model boat hull design notes – building tips for hard chine and round-bilged hulls using planking or carving methods..

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