build your own boat regatta temecula
Families for the temecula boat regatta title. build your own boat regatta boat regatta . title: flyer author: dawn.adamiak created date: 7/20/2012 8:54:34 am. Build your own boat regatta. friday, august 12th 6:30-9:00pm community recreation center fee: $10/boat. register here. the temecula boat regatta title is up for grabs.. Aug 22nd - the temecula boat regatta title is up for grabs. the winds are changing on this annual competition. this year you will need to build and captain a 2 man.
The boat race was very fun to watch...most of them floated but staying

2004 dana boats regatta custom boat photo 1

Make your own regatta - the pleasantest thing

The antique race boat regatta - hot rods of the water photo gallery
The temecula boat regatta title is up for grabs. your team needs to build and captain a 2 man vessel, the captain will be under 18 years of age and the first-mate. Build your own boat regatta build your own boat race lake of the ozarks - duration: temecula business spotlight:. 2015 build your own boat regatta temecula business spotlight: build your own boat regatta - duration: 6:05. city of temecula 985 views..

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